Samstag, 17. September 2011

Raffles at clickLodge

Raffles at clickLodge

clickLodge starts with a new clickLodge point system and rewards you with points for your activities. Therewith you can participate at the big raffle on clickLodge & scroggin.

If you register at you earn 5 points. With that you can already participate at the raffles. With any activity you do on clickLodge you can earn more points and can use them for more drawings.

  • How does it work:
  1. Register or Loggin with your clickLodge account. 
  2. Check the Website for the coin displayed at the bottom. By clicking on the links, ikons or banners you already earn points. 
  3. Go to your account details and check the ammount of points you have. 
  4. Check the link "raffles" to see what you can use them for. If you like any price then use your points to participate. 
  5. Hope & Win! 
  6. Try again and collect more points!


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